We Are Mental Wellness Barbados


Our mission is to improve the mental wellness and mental health ecosystem in Barbados by supporting education and community needs through service, advocacy and outreach.


We envision a democratised and destigmatised ecosystem where individuals, communities and workplaces have increased access to education and comprehensive support.

What we do

Raising Awareness

Mental Wellness & Mental Health Education


Public Campaigns

Support through Education & Outreach

Collaborations & Partnerships

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    Statement of Belief

    We believe in the transformative power of advocacy and raising awareness to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental wellness and mental health, and to promote acceptance and understanding. We strive to educate and empower individuals while encouraging personal growth, resilience, and self-advocacy.

    Get Involved

    Join our effort to help build the mental wellness ecosystem in Barbados. Fill out the form and let us know how you want to support. Donate, volunteer, partner with us and spread the word. Use this form to contact us, otherwise if you want to join our mailing list, use the mailing list sign-up above.